Thursday, 5 March 2015

Evil Altars, foundational altars, generational curses

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In Numbers 23 Balaam raised altars in an attempt to curse Israel.

The altar of Baal in Gideon’s family which Gideon destroyed. (Judges 6:25-32).

Demonic altars go along with spiritual legal rights, vows, agreements and covenants. Satan is well acquitted with spiritual laws that even God himself binds himself to these laws (his word is his law).
Today Christians lack huge knowledge and base everything on prayers, with bible reference to support their ignorance.  It’s very important we pray, but divine instructions and understanding spiritual laws can cause miraculous answer to prayers.

When Naaman came to Elisha, he instructed him to go and wash in the pool. This particular story is very important as it deals with generational issues. The reason why Elisha asked him to deep himself 7 times correlates to the fact that the diseases was in operation for 7 generations. Each deep represents one generation and that was why he saw no effect until he got to the 7th deep.  To ascertain these facts, when Gehazi misbehaved, Elisha’s curse on him confirms to the fact that this disease was a generational issue. (Study the story carefully)

Many Christians are suffering generational curses ignorantly, as a result of dedication to evil altars at work in their life. Your fathers may have agreed with his gods to guard him and his children, this gives demons legal rights over you because when this happened you weren’t born again or born yet but are part of his children. Some forefathers worshiped idols, visited or invited spiritualists for one favor or the other and committed all manner of iniquities according to the instructions of their gods. 

Exodus 34:7 says,

"Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting (punishing) the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation."

We can’t disregard Exodus 34:7. Some Christians refuse to accept these truths, backing up their reasons with scriptures.  Hold on,

Psalm 11:2 says-When the foundations are faulty, what can the righteous do?" 

Note: the word “righteous”. 

Sadly, with a little effort, scriptural verses can be found that will 'prove' any and all points of view, provided one removes all the surrounding text which actually determines its meaning.
I have seen with my eyes deliverance, were demons burst out of anger querying the minister if he was there when the fathers dedicated them to him. Demons understand their rights very well, even angels do. 
As you read, I will open your eyes to spiritual facts that no one can deny. Demons are behind every idol worshiped, and so Satan has the spiritual rights to afflict a Christian with a faulty foundation.

Lamentations 5:7 - “Our fathers sinned, and are no more; it is we who have borne their iniquities.”


1.       Altars have power to bless or curse (Numbers 23:1-30). Altars can and do speak for generations (Genesis 28:11-22).
2.       Altars stand as a memorial for those who raised them. (Genesis 17:15-21, Genesis 22:15-18, 1 Samuel 7:8-12).
3.       Altars can control destinies of people under its power. It’s a powerful force that can work for or against a person. ( I heard of a catholic priest who was next in line to be a chief priest of an idol, the deity behind the altar began to torment this man so he can pull his cassock and take up idol worship)
4.       Altars can speak on your behalf, either negatively and positively, in your absence or presence. Why? Because there is a deity behind the altar. (Revelation 16:7)
5.       Evil altars empower or propel generational curses. It gives demons access to your foundation. Bear in mind that no altar speaks without sacrifice, and it’s offered to demons which comes with covenants and some spiritual legal agreements. Vows are also made to demons which becomes spiritual legal documents for the enemy to torment families.
6.       Altars open unseen doors in the realm of the spirit. These are the highways for angelic traffic. As gates or portals.  Elijah did this in 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-45

If you desire to overcome, then you must connect to greater altars of other great men of God. Some of them don’t sleep, offering sweet smelling incense all night long to God


Have you wondered why in some families, there are serious negative patterns that follow them, or some form of affliction that trails them? In Nigeria (Igbo land) when a man wants to marry, his fathers goes to investigate the wife's roots, trying to ascertain traits that follow such family, why? Because in those days they understand foundation issues. There are families that never gets to a particular level in life.  Some the first sons are poor or wayward, some their daughters never marry or late marriage or must divorce, some they don't give birth, some not more than one child, some they die at a particular age, and some they remain unmarried or childless. The cases are endless and indicates evil altars in operation.
When I first heard about evil altars, it wasn’t too clear to me what the minister was talking about. I almost disbelieved him since I knew my grandfather was a Christian. I looked into my roots, no shrine or a place of sacrifice. These things may have stopped, or the shrines destroyed but as long as it wasn’t done by a strong man of God, what was removed was the physical objects and not the spirit behind it.

Some spiritual husband and spiritual wife cases are engineered from altars in some family roots.  An evil uncle may continue to worship family idols secretly.  You may say, “its not my business”, well if your fathers had agreements to serve these demons, and are no more, yet your uncle continues as the appointed priest, whether you like it or not, you are attached to them because it’s a family idol or practice and your child may be appointed next in line to be the priest.
These evil altars are strengthened anytime via animal sacrifice, libation or verbal confessions. That is why as a born again, you eat or breastfeed in dreams, fly or swim in dreams, sex with man or woman in your dreams, and etc. Sometimes you see yourself in the secondary school or village compound, these are evil altars at work.

Also there are instance in the bible, in the lineage of Abraham, their first son's never make it to inheritance, if you trace the case, you will be shock on what happened  between Jacob, Joseph and his sons even to David and his sons. Meaning that there was a curse in operation and yet was almost undetected. Foundation issues can travel for generations unnoticed.
Circle of imitations, failures, hardships, poverty can be traced to family foundations due to agreements with demons when these altars were setup, some your forefathers may have said,” take wealth and protect me and my children”. How then, can this family experience prosperity when the devil holds this as a legal agreement against them?  Some they suffer affliction because the refuse to continue in the worship of these idols or some its generational curses. Nevertheless some may manage to be doing well, because they engage in evil practices. So the devil will leave them alone.  Let’s remember Jesus quoted this
Mark 3:24 - How can Satan cast out Satan? "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand”
If ones livelihood is rooted in evil, then he is bound to die in sin except by grace he encounters Christ.  Its true that one or two can escape foundation issues due to God's grace but to some level. Generally speaking, the foundation will surely have a strong control on them.
Some generational curses can show itself through health issues or bad habits. Some families struggle with alcoholism, womanizing, lies, criminal records, cancer, diabetes, high BP and these things can also be evident in the life of the children. Sometimes we give them medical name as hereditary issues. What of cases of 2-4 people mad in a family? Does madness have hereditary issues?
The Israelites had to suffer affliction for 400 years why? It could be that Exodus 34:7 was at work since a generation is 100 years and this could mean that somehow along the line, their fathers may have transgressed against God. I was doing my study on Abraham and discovered that his father named "Terah" was an idol worshiper.

Genesis 15:13,
The Lord tells Abraham, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years.” God knows everything that will happen, and He revealed part of the future to Abraham.

Evil altars come in different dimensions, and doesn’t respect anointing. Moses saw God (Exodus 33:18), at least his form, yet spirit of anger was at work in his life. Moses was a prophet, as a matter of fact spirit filled. (Todays born again).
You must understand that in those days, there are about three or four categories of people whom the Holy Spirit separates unto himself; prophets, prophetess, priest and kings. So he was a prophet yet a curse was at work. The truth is what you don’t deal with in your life will deal with you in this life. What you don’t address today will undress you and your children tomorrow.
Moses anger cost him a lot, but let me shock you to where his anger is coming from. When Jacob was blessing his children Genesis 49, he mentioned something that was visible in Simeon and Levi.

Genesis 49-5-7
“Simeon and Levi are brothers, their swords are weapons of violence.
Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased. Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel"

Remember that Moses was from this lineage,

Exodus 1:2- Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son (Moses).

This was a curse in operation in his roots and he didn’t deal with it, or was unaware.

Now altars can exact great control. I have seen people criticize certain men of God, but when circumstances manage to get them to him, they receive their miracles they have been praying for years. Now you can see that the altar wants to stop them from going to their place of solution.

That church you are criticizing may be where your solution is.

That man, that woman you hate so badly may be your solution to your prayers of many years.

I have seen ladies, when suitors come, ignorantly they being to exhibit specific characters that turn the man off.  Sister, the spirit is at work and in fact knows those interested to marry you and so causes display of attitudes the man hates.

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Deliverance ministry has faced one of the biggest criticism in the history of the church, why? Because it deals with satanic secrets, and exposes the enemy behind the seen.
Gehazi had the opportunity of becoming one of the greatest prophets in the Old Testament. Elisha served Elijah and received double portion of this anointing. Gehazi served Elisha and was in the right position to receive four times greater anointing of Elijah, yet the pursuit of flesh has brought curse upon himself.  Altars can cause you to inflict yourself so you don’t breakout. Make peace with your pastor, the enemy can use pride to deny you opportunities.
Altars never respects anointing Elisha had double potion of Elijah (2 kings 2:11). But its shocking to see that Elisha died of common illness! A man who raised dead child, a prophet of signs and wonder; how on earth did this happen? There is something in his life he over looked.


Every wrong foundation my fathers have put in place, in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God, whose death on the cross redeemed me from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light,
I break out, I break out, I break out in Jesus name.

 Have you not seen men of God who started very well, yet the still struggle with habits and some finish poorly? Christians with weakness, which sometimes affect their work with God another dimensions of altars.

Psalm 11:2- If the foundation being destroyed (faulty), what can the righteous do?

Do not allow the enemy to deceive you, some people refuse to accept truths and when the understand it, its late, its still the enemy at work in their lives and they ignorantly thinks they know the scriptures well. How can you be in such condition yet be answering born again, what is new about your condition? When you are 45 years what is left of you? I want to provoke you in the spirit against foundational altars at work in your life. The bibles says “…the older shall serve the younger” Genesis 25:23 nonetheless, when Esau cried out with exceedingly bitter cry, then his father said, “When you become restless, you shall break the yoke (Gen 27:29-40)
If I continue, the dimensions are endless, (our book faulty foundations aka FF) dealt massively on such matters.


If you don’t stop them, they will stop you and not only that, your children will suffer it. Now the question is, how do one breakout or deal with these altars?
I have seen people take prayer warriors to their village or house, these things are good and sometimes show good results, the word of God says, “the prayer of a righteous man avails much and has great power”. they are also good ways to confront altars, but you don’t stop at that. For you to fight altars, you must raise another altars, which must be an altar of righteousness. When you take a man of God to your village compounds or house for prayers; just as your fathers did by inviting/visiting a witch/native doctor or satanic high priests, they buried things on the ground and made one or two sacrifices to empower what was invoked.

So taking a man of God to pray is good step, but when you deal with the fruits without dealing with the roots, fruits are bound to return, just a question of time.
The scriptures says,” You shall know the truth and the knowledge of it will make you free”. Please deal with men of God who understands altar dimensions, men who understands the spiritual battles.

Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Note: we wrestle with demon spirits, you or the man of God must have understanding of demonic operations, you are dealing with spiritual legalities and high level of understanding must be in place.
When a whole archangel Michael confronted demons who laid claim on Moses body after his death, He didn’t weld his supreme authority over the fallen angels, he understood the legalities involved in the spiritual realm, so he said, “may the lord rebuke you”. The bible talked about lawful captives, so what does this mean? Some are held bound with reasons. Nonetheless, grace can intervene when called up only?  Satan knows his right and his places of operation.

Job 1:7 - The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it."  1 Peter 5:8 confirms exactly why he was moving to and from seeking whom to devour. This proves he isn’t attacking everybody. If you analyze Job 1:7 you can see that Job wasn’t attacked until permission was granted.
I am working on another book (Understanding spiritual and natural laws). We need to be acquitted with spiritual legalities so we can stop blaming God for our weaknesses. You have a role to play and God has a role to play. Demons are behind every pain and affliction you are passing through.
To make progress you must destroy the old altars (demonic strongholds) and its priesthood. (Judges 6:25-31). To obtain the inheritance the Lord has given to us we must deal with the old altars in our families, communities, cities and countries that were raised unto Satan. Gideon did this and the Lord brought him into his destiny as a “mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:11-32) this means that his destiny could have not been fulfilled if the altar was still active.



Don’t go on your own to start destroying shrines, idolatry objects in your homes or village or towns. You may be a Christian, but you level may not warrant you to confront certain things.  You can’t take a new convert and plant him in the mist of the sins he repented from. There are powers and there are rules. Those who have given themselves as a living sacrifice to the lord may conduct prayers yet we advise not directly. If you must confront, you must act on divine instructions. When you become a born again, that’s when you have spiritual rights to fight evil foundational altars. You can’t wake up one morning or after reading this book and begin to destroy these things. You can attest to cases when after visiting compound to pray, attack comes. Everything you do with altars must come as a divine instruction. Pray, hear God either to go or not to go, wether to burn or not to burn.
I heard about a man of God who visited his village shrine and destroyed it with his prayer team, while on his way back to town he had and accident.
You can’t use small light in you to confront thick darkness. Imagine taking a candle light to thick forest, the breeze alone will quench the fire. But when you use searchlight, you have good advantage.
Raise great altars against evil altar, altars versus altar. You own righteous altar must be in place. Connect to great men of God, via their altars.
In the realm of the spirit there is a clear network of altars. The smaller altars network with the bigger and stronger ones. An individual’s personal altar links up with the community altar, and the altars of the community link with the overall altar ruling the territory or the nation. Abraham in Genesis 12 & 28 raised these kinds of altars at Bethel and Ai.


If you desire to have greater victory in your spiritual legislation, and to break out of these evil altars then begin to network with other “mighty men of God”. The bible says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And in a temple there are two main altars, please take note of the altar diagrams shown. In your human temple, the first altar is your altar of material sacrifice and the second is altar of prayer/services.  These mighty men spend days in prayers and fasting, fortifying their spiritual altars and engaging in sacrificial seed sowing/giving.
You can connect to them with financial sacrifice, raising sacrifices to their altars. The altar at work in your life can determine how far you can go in life. The altar you connect to can provides a prayer shield for you. Through the corporate altars you can prevail against the enemy. God is building a people of power.
You have an obligation to build an altar that will bless and sustain the next generation.  As a church we have the power to open and shut the gates of heaven. Elijah did this in 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1-45. From your altar you can enforce God’s judgment on the workers of iniquity in your village.
Commitment to the things of God is as important as prayers. Jesus said, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, every other things will be added unto you”. This shows how important the kingdom assignment is. Today we have lackadaisical attitude towards the things of God.   If you’re assigned to sweep the floors, do it with joy knowing that you are not working for pastor but Christ. Please anytime you are doing something for the church, avoid complaining even if you were offended.
Prayer is the greatest instrument given to us by God. When we connect to the heart of God, we change situations. If you analyze your scriptures, you can see the effects of prayers. Do you know that you can change prophesies with prayers? Nevertheless, prayer is designed to change us first. That’s why before they biblical characters pray and win the favor of God, they repent, humble themselves and wail.
You must repent of the sins of your fathers, acknowledging the fact that you are a lawful captive. Also have in mind that even as a lawful captive God’s will it to see you free.

Isaiah 49:24
"Can the prey be taken from the mighty man, or the lawful captives of a tyrant be rescued?" Surely, thus says the LORD, "Even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away, and the prey of the tyrant will be rescued; for I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will save your sons.…



 Revelation 5:1-10

1.               Demolish old altars and repent over idolatry.
 In raising an altar unto the Lord we must ensure that we are not building on an existing altar that was raised to Satan. That is why we begin with repentance. We must be very thorough. Repent first of your own personal sins and the sins of your forefathers. It must be identification repentance like Nehemiah, Daniel and Ezra did on behalf of their people.

2.               Stand as a Priest/King and plead for mercy.
Identify yourself as a king and priest of God (Rev. 5:10). Begin to appropriate what the scripture says in the book of 1 Peter 2:9 (But ye are a chosen generation ...) concerning you. Our priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek and Jesus Christ.

3.               Address the deity in the name of Jesus Christ, calling it by name.
 After taking a thorough repentance for sins committed, we have to breakdown evil altars and address existing altars, which hinder us. Using the name of Jesus Christ address with the Word of God the deity which was enthroned and throw down any existing altars calling them directly by name.
 Acknowledge the abomination and God’s right to punish the sin of idolatry on your part and on behalf of your people. Realize that every idolatrous altar has links with Satan. Realize also that the worship given to the deities behind those idolatrous altars which dates back many generations even to the fall of man is in actual fact the enthronement of evil by Satan.

 4.         Renounce every existing agreement between demons and those who built that altar.
Renounce every token, dedication, vow, or promise made to that god. Renounce any binding words spoken and deliberately reverse any which may have been placed as injunctions or sanctions against those who will refuse to worship these idols.

5.         Burn the tokens of the covenant. (Fetish items in your possession)
6.         Destroy the former priesthood.
 Remove their priestly garments and take away their staff of authority as well as their mandate to minister at those altars.

7.         Charge the whole of creation to bear witness to what you are doing.
When they entered into these evil covenants our ancestors would invite creation to take note of their deeds. The rivers, mountains, sun, moon and stars were called to witness the enactment of ordinances. Therefore you must also address them to bear witness to your act of reversing of those covenants. Every word must be renounced, reversed and nullified. This is how to render those words powerless and make them of no effect.
8.         Now you must raise a new altar to God.



1.         Locate a spot and make it a place of worship and consecration.
2.         Hallow it by pouring anointing oil, wine or water on it.
3.         Call upon the name of the Lord and ask the three to bear record on earth and in heaven to take                        note that you are raising an altar to Him on that spot.
4.         Name the altar e.g. an altar of consecration, an altar of remembrance, an altar of righteousness, an altar of restoration, an altar of mercy etc.
5.         Mark your altar. God directed Israel to use twelve stones to raise Israel’s national altar. You have to mark your altar with something memorable.


Only a person who is spiritually alive and qualified can raise an altar. When God begins to speak to people about altars, He wants to enter into a fresh covenant with them. He wants to visit the land. He wants to bring about changes. That is why we must keep the altars of our soul alive. 

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